Happy New Year!

The New Year is upon us, and while you’re trying to create an achievable list of resolutions, unfortunately, 80% fail by February. If one of your resolutions is to reach your goal weight, we have a doable solution for you!
Start 2019 right by signing up for our hCG diet plan. Our regime is a treatment that entails a holistic approach towards weight loss. The body needs food, but it can be regulated to be a low-calorie diet. This will bring about the maximal results of the program, as this will supplement the appetite suppressant, hCG, which will give a full feeling while having consumed less than the usual number of calories.
Many factors go into weight loss; it is more than eating healthy and exercising the right way, it is a combination of properly taking care of your body. However, if you are not invested in eating clean and making smart choices, your weight loss results will be compromised. The stigma around the word “healthy” makes us think tasteless, bland, and gives us the impression that no matter how many fruits and vegetables we eat, our body won’t be full.
The program has a simple treatment philosophy and that is to develop the novel combination of high quality hCG injections for men and women, and a low-calorie diet which will help individuals be in their best possible shape of their lives. You can keep your New Year’s weight loss resolution; EQ Balance has just made it a lot easier! For more information about the hCG diet program from EQ Balance, contact the office and schedule your free consultation.