It’s common knowledge that being fit and healthy is not just about working out and being active. A big part of that lifestyle is in the nutrition. If you’re not invested in eating clean and making smart choices, your results will be severely compromised.

Healthy recipes can be difficult to come by because while they are labeled ‘healthy’, that won’t always mean they’re good for weight loss. Some are simply better choices for helping you feel full and satisfied longer, which means less likelihood of giving into cravings and processed snacks.

1. Citrus

Slices of citrus fruits such as limes, orange and lemons add both flavor and aesthetics to your dish. Add the zest of the fruits for flavor, the juice to help make the sauce, and finally a couple of slices as a garnish. We eat with our eyes too, so make your dishes look appealing.

2. Greek Yogurt

Cream is another ingredient to stay away from when on a weight loss diet because of the high fat content. Substitute your mayonnaise, heavy cream and sour cream with Greek yogurt instead. Mix in some cilantro, pepper or chives for an extra burst of flavor.

3. Vegetables

Vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and low in calories. Compared to grains such as rice, quinoa, bread and pasta, a cup of vegetables is just around 100 calories. Compared to a cup of rice which is about 250 calories, for someone on a low-calorie diet, vegetables are definitely a must-have if you’re looking for volume.

4. Marinara sauce

Marinara sauce can be your best friend if you make it yourself. The problem with store-bought marinara sauce is the added sodium and sugar. By making it yourself, you can tweak the flavors and nutrition content yourself. Some people prefer a sweeter marinara, while others look for the tangy tomato flavor. Make it your own, but go easy on sweeteners and salt.

5. Non-fat cheese

Cheese is usually a no-no, but non-fat cheese are even worse. They come packed with all sorts of unnatural ingredients and preservatives, and are often higher in calories than the regular cheese. If they aren’t higher in calories, they are packed full of carbs you don’t really need. If you must, go with low-fat cheese and add sparingly.


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