There are three main phases which together form the hCG Diet. These are the phase 1 or the loading phase, phase 2 or the weight loss phase and phase 3 or the maintenance phase. Each of these phases has their own significance in bringing about the appropriate amount of weight loss.hCG Clinic Savannah

Most of the dieters do not approve of phase 1 of the hCG diet and tend to skip this phase thinking that it is not important. This phase is quite important and each and every dieter of the hCG diet must follow this phase which marks the first two days of the program. During this time, you need to kick-start your body metabolism and you will be preparing the body to meet the challenges that lies ahead in the coming days of the diet. For a person with normal metabolism, it just requires two days to complete this cycle. As a dieter, you get the chance to have your maximum amount of food in the time frame of two days. This phase seems to have some resemblance to the bear eating when the bear prepares itself for the cold winter days of hibernation. You fill in the fat stores during this period so that your body understands that it is not in starvation. This is also the right way to get your body prepared for the low calorie intake which accompanies the coming days. Dieters must also take the hCG injections on these two days of the loading phase and water intake must also be increased in these days.

Due to the great importance of the loading phase, our hCG Clinic in Savannah, GA, makes sure that the dieters always go through this phase and truly enjoy all the fatty foods Savannah has to offer!


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